About De Maison Selections

De Maison Selections is the exclusive US importer of exceptional wines, ciders, sherries and spirits from our family of independent producers in Spain and France. De Maison Selections was founded by André Tamers in 1996 upon his return from a three-year journey throughout Spain. The company was named in honor of his mother, whose family roots go back to Haute-Savoie in France. Her father had three daughters and the name De Maison was destined to disappear, which inspired the name of the company and resulted in the continuity of the De Maison family name.

Responsibly Sourced Wines, Ciders and Spirits

Our commitment to ecological values and leadership…

is a reflection of our deep and binding respect for our community of producers, clients, and our own families. Our agricultural philosophy is rooted in a systems ecology approach, encompassing not only the health of the vineyard and its produce but also the health and prosperity of each community of growers and their surroundings. This includes the financial prosperity of the people from each village, affording the progressive farming ideals which require more than rhetoric to maintain. Our philosophy is based on adaptive generational change and improvements to the functionality of these systems in order to address the heart of the issue, which is often economic. Fair and consistent economic partnership over decades is the fuel that stokes the fires of responsible agriculture.

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Continously Seeking Excellence in Our Craft

Del most flor, amb la dedicació i el rigor de l’obra artesanal ben feta. This Catalan saying graces the label of the first wine we imported, Avinyó Cava, and translates as “starting with the best part of the harvest, and exerting the dedication and rigor of a well-crafted work.” It is an idea which has guided our company philosophy since 1996. This concept of respecting the integrity of the source material with dedicated care drives us in our quest to work thoughtfully, share authentic culinary and cultural experiences, and leave things better than we found them.

Our Guiding Values →

Guaranteed Provenance

Guaranteeing the provenance and integrity of our shipments…

is paramount to the authenticity of terroir and respect of vignerons and their goods. All of our other efforts would be lost without our unwavering commitment to the concepts of provenance and traceability. Progress begins with awareness, and as our collective awareness of the proper standards for storage and transportation grows, the question consumers should pose remains unasked: “how was this bottle shipped?”

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How We Work

A Partnership Guide for Producers

De Maison Selections works exclusively with artisan producers from Spain and France who own and control their vineyards and means of production. We work with producers who represent the highest quality of their respective appellations and disciplines, producers who do not conform to any specific dogma other than absolute quality and respect for their environment, community, and consumers. 

We do not work with bulk cooperatives, negociants, brokers, or middle-persons. We offer something very rare in the US market: direct market access and the expertise of our dedicated team. We work exclusively with our suppliers in all 50 US states and Puerto Rico. We do not split market share with other US importers. This arrangement means we offer suppliers one convenient and easily accessible interface to the US market through De Maison Selections.

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Cómo Trabajamos

Una Guía de Colaboración para Productores

De Maison Selections trabaja exclusivamente con productores artesanales de España y Francia que poseen y controlan sus viñedos y medios de producción. Trabajamos con productores que representan la calidad más alta de sus respectivas denominaciones y disciplinas, productores que no se ajustan a ningún dogma específico, que no sea la calidad absoluta y el respeto por su entorno, comunidad y consumidores. 

No trabajamos con cooperativas a granel, negociantes, brokers o intermediarios. Ofrecemos algo muy raro en el mercado estadounidense: acceso directo al mercado y la experiencia de nuestro equipo dedicado. Trabajamos exclusivamente con nuestros proveedores en los 50 estados de EE. UU. y Puerto Rico. No dividimos la participación de mercado con otros importadores estadounidenses. Esto significa que ofrecemos a los proveedores una interfaz conveniente y de fácil acceso para el mercado estadounidense a través de De Maison Selections.

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Comment Nous Travaillons

Un Guide de Partenariat Pour les Producteurs

De Maison Sélections travaille exclusivement avec des producteurs artisanaux d’Espagne et de France qui possèdent et contrôlent leurs vignobles et leurs moyens de production. Nous travaillons avec des producteurs qui représentent la plus haute qualité de leurs appellations et de leurs disciplines respectives, des producteurs qui ne se conforment à aucun dogme spécifique, autre que la qualité absolue et le respect de leur environnement, de leur communauté et des consommateurs. 

Nous ne travaillons pas avec les coopératives de vin en vrac, les négociants, les courtiers ou les intermédiaires. Nous proposons quelque chose de très rare sur le marché américain: un accès direct au marché et l’expertise de notre équipe dévouée. Nous travaillons exclusivement avec nos fournisseurs dans les 50 États américains et à Porto Rico. Nous ne partageons pas la part du marché avec d’autres importateurs américains. Cela signifie que nous offrons aux fournisseurs une interface pratique et facilement accessible au marché américain via De Maison Sélections.

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Meet Our Team

DMS Founder André Tamers

André Tamers


Steven Alexander Headshot

Steven Alexander

Chief Strategy Officer


Chris Pataky

Chief Operations Officer


Andrea Fullbright Headshot

Andrea Fullbright

Sales Director & Northeast Sales Manager


Sandra Wauquier Photo

Sandra Wauquier

Logistics & Portfolio Director


Estefany Torres

Logistics Coordinator


Asher Beebe-Tron

Spirits & No/Low Manager


Ted Gallagher

Communications & Systems Director


Phil Broom

Southeast Sales Manager


Chad Paré

West Coast Sales Manager


Anthony Minne

Central Sales Manager


Graham Heubach

Visual Director


Kim Gardner

Compliance Coordinator


Jessica Hernandez

Office Associate


Saahil Poonawala

Orders & Data Associate


Interested in joining our team? Get in touch with DMS by applying here. 

Press Inquiries

Please send all press inquiries to press@demaisonselections.com in order to assure prompt and proper responses.

Travel Inquiries

If you are interested in visiting our winery & distillery partners, please fill out our inquiry form in order to be considered. In some cases, you may also be able to plan a visit directly through our producers.

De Maison Selections

101 Cosgrove Ave #220

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

+1 (919) 933-4245

De Maison East

160 Broadway, Room 706

New York, NY 10038

+1 (212) 500-0377

Txoko & Tasting Room

3540 W Wolfram St

Chicago, IL 60618