
High Quality, Almacenista Sherries 

The wines of Sherry, with their unique flor-inflected profiles, have become some of the world’s most distinctive products: finos, amontillados, olorosos, palo cortados, sweet wines, and Jerez brandies. 

De Maison Selections believes that sherry and other fortified wines are an essential part of drinking and dining, and should be treated with as much intention and respect as unfortified wines. We work with independent almacenistas throughout the region to bring you some of the most important wines across Jerez’s varying styles. Verified provenance, bottling dates on every label, and refrigerated shipments from winery to consumer are core to the De Maison Selections ethos and is another way we seek to offer value, quality, and authenticity. Maximum respect for our customers drives us in all that we do. 

In addition to our current offerings, we continue pushing boundaries and exploring new territory in sherries and fortified wines, so stay tuned to our Instagram channel for more news about upcoming new releases!


De Maison Selections

101 Cosgrove Ave #220

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

+1 (919) 933-4245

De Maison East

160 Broadway, Room 706

New York, NY 10038

+1 (212) 500-0377

Follow De Maison


